Bio Fluff HT cleaning kit

Request information

The transport costs, if present, are indicated in the shopping cart at the end of the compilation of the order.
For products in stock for immediate delivery, the order will be processed within 24/48 working hours (except for out of stock and stock outages).
For products not ready for delivery, Natur Life Style undertakes to process the order within 10 working days.

Delivery is made by national express courier, within 24/48 working hours from shipment c/o Natur Life Style Srl warehouse.

Returns and refunds

Natur Life Style offers the satisfied or reimbursed guarantee. If the customer is not satisfied with the goods received, he can return it within 14 days of receipt to Natur Life Style Srl and be refunded as required by current legislation.
For all further information, please read the page terms of sale.

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